Dental Check-Ups

We realize our patients have busy lives, and we will work around your schedule — because what’s important to us is that you are happy with your smile.

Expert Dental Care

At Summit View Dental Centre, we consider the dental exam to be one of our most important services. It’s during routine check-ups that we focus on prevention, while getting to know our valuable patients and their dental goals. We realize our patients have busy lives, and we will work around your schedule — because what’s important to us is that you are happy with your smile.

Check-Up FAQs

Some people might wonder why they need to go to the dentist when there is nothing noticeably wrong with their oral health. A dental exam can catch potential problems early, before you feel or see any symptoms. Then, treatment required is far less painful and expensive. This is why we recommend visiting us every six months: so that we can catch and correct small problems before they lead to/become bigger complications. Dr. Dhesi is trained to detect a number of oral health problems, from cavities to cancer. Here are a few things that he is looking for during your dental exam:

  • Checking up on previous dental work (such as fillings or crowns) to make sure they are strong and intact.
  • Early signs of cavities.
  • Damaged or decayed teeth.
  • Gum symptoms (discoloration, sensitivity, inflammation, etc) that might point to disease.
  • Alignment of teeth, to ensure a healthy and functional bite.
  • Early signs of cancer in the throat or mouth such as white lesions, cysts, and other suspicious growths.
  • Pain or tenderness of your temporomandibular joint (joint between the jaw and skull)

In addition to this thorough dental exam, Dr. Dhesi will also take into account symptoms or concerns you may mention.

A routine check-up has two stages: the cleaning then the dental exam. One of our highly trained hygienists will ask about any concerns you might have – such as any unexplained changes in your oral health, even if they are small. Then, after noting your concerns (and giving relevant advice?), the hygienist will begin the cleaning process.

Cleaning is a painless, and even satisfying, process. Our hygienist will carefully remove the plaque and tartar build-up, and floss around each tooth if need be. Then comes the tooth polisher. You might remember the “whining” toothbrush-like piece of equipment—that’s the spinning head of the polisher. Our hygienist will use polishing paste to remove any remaining residue and surface stain. Dental x-rays and fluoride treatments are also provided if needed/required/indicated.

When the hygienist is complete, Dr. Dhesi will come for the dental exam. Here he will listen to any problems you might be having, and receive information from the hygienist. This is your opportunity to ask questions and bring up any concerns you may have. He will take your concerns very seriously, answering any questions you might have.

Dr. Dhesi will check for problem areas in all areas of your mouth — from the softening of tooth enamel and dentin, to redness or irritation around your gumline. Any issues he might find, he may record for future monitoring. If there is a cavity or other problem he will be sure to communicate it with you. If it is something that requires treatment, he will suggest booking another appointment to have it dealt with.

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to book an appointment, call Dr. Dhesi at Summit View Dental Centre for an appointment to get you on the road to a healthy smile. We’d love to hear from you!

Make An Appointment

Our office is open Monday thru Saturday. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about our clinic or potential appointment booking.

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